Sterling Highway 45 – 60 Project
August 2022 Online Open House – Closed
August 18 – September 22, 2022
Sterling Highway 45 – 60 Project
August 2022 Online Open House
August 18 – September 22, 2022
Welcome to the August 2022 Sterling Highway MP-45-60 Online Open House!
The project will reduce highway congestion, meet current design standards, and improve highway safety.
The purpose of the Online Open House is to share new information regarding the project design and discuss the project’s next steps. 2022 construction efforts have occurred on Phase 1A, Phase 3, Phase 4, Phase 5, and the pioneer roads.
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Additional Contact Info
For more information, visit or contact the project team:
Design Questions
Jonathan Tymick, PE, Project Manager
[email protected]
Let’s get started!
Station 2 - 2022 Construction Updates
We’ve been busy in 2022!
- The Scarsella Bros. focused summer 2022 construction on Phase 1A (MP 56 to MP 58).
- QAP-Traylor Joint Venture, the new Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC), will continue work on the Pioneer Road construction and clearing during the remainder of the 2022 season.
- The CM/GC completed development at Tract C and disposal areas.
Station 3 - West End (Phase 1A)
Station 4 - East End (Phase 1B)
- Design advanced with the submission of the 99% Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) check set plan set.
- Conceptual design of a future connection from Quartz Creek Road to Kenai Peninsula Borough roads in process (MP 44.5).
- Utility agreements are being finalized.
- Right-of-way acquisitions in process.
- Construction timing tied to Phase 3.
Station 5 - Juneau Creek Bridge (Phase 2)
Station 6 - New Alignment (Phases 3-6)
- Phase 3 & 4 Early Work Package began construction in August 2022 and is anticipated to be completed in 2024.
- Finished road profile will be completed as part of Phases 1B and 5 from 2024 – 2026.
- New segment of highway extends from MP 47 to MP 56.
- Includes key elements that help meet project needs: reduce highway congestion, meet current design standards, and improve highway safety:
- Alignment pulls away from Kenai River, provides straighter alignment compared to existing corridor. Straightening alignment offers more passing opportunities.
- New alignment road grade climbs up to Juneau Creek Bridge on either side, providing opportunities for slower vehicles to ascend steep grades in outside climbing lane without slowing traffic.
- Features along new alignment include:
- Pathway (requested by the community) along south side of new highway. Design is in progress.
- Pathway will create pedestrian connections to other trails and allow construction to use excess material on-site instead of hauling it away.
- Wildlife crossings: one overcrossing, two undercrossings, designated crossing corridors on either end under Juneau Creek Bridge, and three oversized drainage culverts.
Station 7 - Recreational Features (Phase 3 – 6)
Juneau Falls Trailhead
- New parking and dedicated left-turn lane
- New trail connecting parking lot to Resurrection Pass trail with separate equestrian access trail
- New Juneau Falls Overlook accessible via 1/4-mile trail from parking lot
- Parking lot to accommodate access road and include snow storage
Bean Creek Trail
- New pullout built to access the trail.
- Trail will have minor realignments due to road construction and access to trail under Juneau Creek Bridge.
Slaughter Ridge
- Hikers will be able to access Slaughter Gulch Trail through highway undercrossing structure sized to include creek crossing.
Station 8 - Western Intersection (Phase 5)
- Land exchange updated; DOT&PF to purchase land from Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI).
- DOT&PF is working closely with CIRI to permit this summer’s pre-construction activities (geotech, clearing, and H&H fieldwork).
- Overview of Phase 5 Design concept:
- The intersection of the new and old Sterling Highways at the west end (Phase 5) will feature a tight diamond interchange design. This design will provide the best traffic safety and minimize impacts on cultural resources and wetlands.
- Design Next Steps
- Phase 4/5 Early Work Package
Contact Us & Mailing List Sign-up
Design Questions
Jonathan Tymick, Project Manager
[email protected]
Know Before You Go:
- – for construction status
- www.511.Alaska.Gov – for road conditions
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Supporting Documents
The documents below support the information displayed throughout this online public meeting. You will need a PDF reader to view these documents. Download a free version at Adobe’s website.