Sterling Highway MP 45-60 Logo White Text

Sterling Highway MP 45-60 Project
Fall Online Public Meeting

October 22 – November 5, 2020

Station 1. Overview

Station 1

Station 5. Ongoing Work

Station 5

Station 2. West and East Ends

Station 2

Station 6. Next Steps

Station 6

3. Station 3 - Middle Section

Station 3

Station 7. Contact and Comment

Station 7

Station 4. Right-of-Way

Station 4

Supporting Documents

Supporting Documents


Welcome to the Sterling Highway MP-45-60 Online Public Meeting

The comment period for this Online Public Meeting is now closed. For more information about this project, visit or email the project team at [email protected]

View the full presentation and video:

Public Meeting Presentation:

Let’s get started!

Station 1 - Overview

The Sterling Highway MP 45-60 includes five phases. The new Sterling Highway MP 45-60 will be open for traffic by the end of 2025.

Station 2 - West and East Ends

West End – MP 56-58

  • Final plans were submitted to DOT&PF in August 2020. No major changes.
  • Minor changes were made to protect wetlands:
    • Added retaining wall at MP 56 to keep highway out of wetlands;
    • Removed sheet pile walls proposed in Kenai River; and
    • Improved Fuller Creek plan.
  • This segment will go out to bid spring 2021.
  • A separate erosion control package for MP 57 will go out to bid spring 2021.

East End – MP 45-47

  • Recent work focused on utility coordination and right-of-way acquisitions.
  • Design is slowing to allow design of connecting section in Phase 3 to catch up.

Station 3 - Middle Section

Middle Section Design and Construction

  • Design is continuing.
  • Construction has started.

Clearing happened this summer, with the contractor clearing a 200-foot wide area to allow access to the Juneau Creek Canyon. This allows geotechnical drillers to gather data for bridge design and construction to start in 2021.

Firewood was made available to the public.

Design has progressed on Phases 2-5 including:
(Click on each tab below to learn more)

These photos were taken during the clearing and geotechnical drilling that occurred this summer.

Station 4 - Right-of-Way

  • Right-of-way acquisition is in progress for Phase 1 properties.
  • Phases 3-5 right-of-way is anticipated to start 2021.
  • The new DOT&PF ROW lead is James Sowerwine, 907-269-0647, [email protected].

Station 5 - Ongoing Work

Construction and fieldwork are underway.

  • Clearing will continue through early fall.
  • Firewood is available to the public on Langille Road.  
  • Geotechnical work will continue into the winter as long as weather allows. Efforts will continue in the spring.
  • Cultural Resources fieldwork is complete. The project is coordinating with agencies on findings.
  • Hydrology fieldworks is also done.
  • Wildlife camera capture study will continue through the winter.

Station 6 - Next Steps

Right-of-way process will begin with agency landowners.

West End (Phase 1A)

  • Spring 2021 bidding
  • 2021 construction

East End (Phase 1B)  

  • 2021 bidding
  • 2022 construction

Bridge (Phase 2) 

  • Summer 2021 construction on foundations 

Off Alignment (Phase 3 & 4):

  • Mid-summer 2021 grading and drainage work begins, pioneer road construction

Public Outreach

  • The next public meeting will be held in Jan/Feb 2021.
  • We will continue to post updates on firewood when available.

Station 7 - Contact Us

Comment - We want to hear from you!

9 + 9 =

Sterling MP 45-60 Website

Visit the Project Website

Phone Icon

Give us a call

Construction questions?
Shaun Combs, DOT&PF

Project questions?
Katherine Wood


Supporting Documents

The documents below support the information displayed throughout this online public meeting. You will need a PDF reader to view these documents. Download a free version at Adobe’s website. 
